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From initial brainstorming to early ideas to digital execution, SBP focuses on a proven method to gather relevant feedback and improve the design.


What is a logo?


A logo is a graphic mark used by businesses, organizations or individuals to make their business easily and quickly identifiable in a positive way. Logos can be purely graphic using symbols/icons, simple logotypes/wordmarks, or a combination of both.



What is logo design and how does it work?


From the design team perspective, logo design is exciting – it’s an intriguing challenge and inspiring opportunity to make a fundamental difference in the success of a client’s business. From the client perspective it can be an intimidating and disappointing process if they have not hired a professional agency, or have not allocated a reasonable marketing budget for this purpose. On the other hand, with the right expertise, it can be a rewarding, fun, and successful process.  You could say then, that it depends on which shoes you’re standing in.

So what makes a good logo?

  • Simplicity

  • Distinctiveness

  • Longevity

  • Versatility

  • Appropriateness

  • Scalability                                                      > READ MORE >

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